October 3, 2015

5 Stages Every Copywriter Goes Through

If you think being a copywriter is easy and everyone can do it from home, think again. If you don’t know your game, chances are you might sit on laptop for hours staring at a blank page (well, if you do know, you still gawk at the screen).

Risking my emotional roller coaster ride of writing bare for everyone to see, here I write the phases a copywriter goes through for each project.

1. Excitement of a new page

Like fresh canvas for a painter, like clean plate for a chef, you get thrilled when you open a new MS Word page, white and beautiful. You think that this would be the best words that you will write. And you think why you don’t do this often.

2. Huh?

You go through the brief and you think to yourself, this is easy. I have done this a lot of times. Words for these will come naturally to me. And then it hits you, the “I dunno” phase. This can last for a minute or a month. And everyone around you will know that a new project is under process.

3. Googling. Some more Googling.

You hopelessly go through every word you come across remotely related to the topic. You think you can write this and then you realize it’s already written. Page after page, website after website, book after book, you gawk at the writing and fonts and phrases till the images stop making sense to you. You look up when it’s absolutely necessary and you curse the one who interrupts and distracts you.

4. Doubt

By this time, you have lost hope. You start thinking are you really a copywriter. You write, copy paste shamelessly, cross out headlines, erase whole pages and rewrite some. But it doesn’t look good. It will never look good.

5. Fairy-tale ending

And just like that, epiphany hits you. Your creative juices starts flowing. And when it hits, your hands keep moving, your fingers keep typing and your mouth keeps uttering words in a flow. You are unbeatable and unstoppable. This is genius and exactly what client wants. It just flows like sand, like magic. Like 2+2=4. Like the click sound of unlocking the door.


And everything in the world is perfect again.

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